Psychological studies have shown that the eyes are the primary feature on the face. That makes them vitally important when it comes to facial rejuvenation. The aging process can give way to wrinkles, excess skin, and “bags” around the eyes, all of which can contribute to a tired or aged appearance. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a corrective procedure that removes excess wrinkles, skin, and fat bulges and provides a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance to the eyes. The blepharoplasty surgery can be performed in conjunction with other facial procedures such as a facelift or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).
The Procedure
The surgical procedure includes tiny incisions made in the natural contours of the eyelids, which should leave little to no visible scarring. The upper eyelids are usually operated on first to remove excess skin and fat, then the lower eyelids are completed to eliminate puffiness, bags, and excess skin folds. In some instances, laser technology, chemical peels, or BotoxÒ may be used to smooth lower eyelid areas.
- Anesthesia Local or general (eyelid surgery alone can be done in the office)
- Length of Surgery 45 to 90 minutes
- Back to Work 3 to 7 days
- Exercise May resume after 10 days
- Discomfort Very mild (1-2 days of pain medication)
- Swelling Mild to moderate; should be significantly resolved in 2 to 3 weeks
- Bruising Common, but should fade within 10-14 days following surgery
- Bandages None
- Final Result Appearance will improve for several months following surgery, but the most dramatic results are visible in the first 2 to 3 weeks.
Many times browlift surgery is combined with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) in order achieve a maximal result. The brow and eyelids often go hand-in-hand when it comes to facial rejuvenation surgery. If you have sagging brows and this is not addressed during your eyelid surgery, your result may be suboptimal and lead to your ultimate dissatisfaction. If you have significant sagging of your brow, your surgeon will likely recommend that you also have a browlift in order to give you the best results.
As plastic surgeons, we’ve come to understand the importance of volume loss as it relates to facial aging, your facial appearance and your perceived age. Fat injections are a very common adjunctive procedure to enhance the overall results and help you look younger. Fat injections can be performed at the same time as your facelift surgery, and this can also be done in the office under local anesthesia. Fat injections are permanent and look very natural.
Most eyelid procedures, including both upper and lower eyelids, can be done in the office under local anesthesia with or without light oral sedation (pills). This is dependent on your preference and also your surgeon’s preference. Some patients want to be under “twilight” anesthesia and other patients prefer general anesthesia because they just “want to be out” and not know what’s going on. It is important to keep in mind that general anesthesia is very safe for those patients who are generally healthy. Additionally, some surgeons have a very strong preference and will only perform your blepharoplasty surgery one way or the other.
If you are only having eyelid surgery, you will be able to go home on the same day as your surgery. If you are having other procedures in addition to your eyelid surgery you may require overnight monitoring. Your surgeon can discuss your options with you. If you are coming in from out of town and would like to stay in the Chicago area, please ask our office for hotel options. You will need to stay near Chicago for 7-10 days for post-operative care.
Facial harmony is a term used to describe how all of the different components of your face fit together to create an overall pleasing appearance. When you have finally decided that you would like to speak to a surgeon regarding your eyes, you should expect a thoughtful and thorough discussion. You should arrive at the consultation prepared to discuss your specific concerns related to your eyes. It is important that the surgeon understand exactly what is bothering you. He or she will then discuss these issues with you and provide you with options. A thorough facial evaluation in preparation for surgery will entail your surgeon discussing your entire face with you, not just your expressed concerns. This is done for multiple reasons. First, it is important that you understand the aging process and what is happening to your facial tissues. Second, your overall facial appearance is made up of many components – changing only the thing you have pointed out to your surgeon may have an impact on another part of your overall facial harmony. Third, if you are thinking about more than one aspect of your face, it is often easier to undergo one operation rather than a second operation in the future. And lastly, your surgeon wants you to have the most exceptional results possible and will discuss not only your concerns, but what he or she feels may be necessary to help you achieve that goal.